Notions and Templates

Notions and Templates

from $5.75

Marti Michell Template Sets A and C are based on 3” square. Each set contains 7 templates. Template Sets B and D are based on 4” square. Set B contains 7 templates and Set D contains 8. The Multi-Size Half-Square Triangle is useful in cutting 1”-6” triangles in 1/2” increments. Tula Pink Unicorn pins 30 ct. package.

Notions and Templates:
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Marti Michell Templates. Use Sets A and C to create many blocks based on 3” square. Use Sets B and D to create blocks based on 4” square.

Use the Marti Michell Multi-Size Half-Square Triangle for cutting 1”-6” triangles in 1/2” increments.

Tula Pink Unicorn Pins, 30 ct. package.